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Learn about Fluida's Smart timestamping feature
Learn about Fluida's Smart timestamping feature
Fulvia Chesi avatar
Written by Fulvia Chesi
Updated over a week ago

Features involved: Smart timestamping

What is timestamping and why should I use it?

Timestamping is a tool that allows users to record the start and end of their workdays (as well as any breaks they may take throughout the day) in real time.

By recording timestamps, you always know which workplace employees are working from, who is absent, and can verify that employees are adhering to their work schedules. As a result, the paychecks you distribute will be more accurate and truthful. The practice of recording timestamps also helps guarantee a worker's "right to disconnect", that is, the right not to be reachable outside of one's working hours, especially if one does not have fixed hours or works remotely.

How does Fluida's Smart timestamping work?

When the Smart timestamping feature is enabled, you can decide which method each employee will be allowed to use to record timestamps: should they clock in with their smartphone or an NFC badge? How should they record timestamps when working on site? What rules, instead, should apply when they are working remotely? When recording a timestamp, must they prove they are doing so from a specific location, or can they record their attendance without the need for verification?

Supervisors can view everyone's timestamps in real time. If a user does not record a timestamp in accordance with their timestamping requirements, their supervisor will be notified and can then choose to approve or reject that timestamp. If needed, you can edit or delete erroneous timestamps and export monthly and annual timestamp logs for individual users, entire teams, or for the company as a whole, to keep track of the situation.

With the Smart timestamping feature, you have the assurance that no user can tamper with their own timestamps or record certified timestamps on another user's behalf. For example, attempting to tamper with the process by changing the time on one's smartphone, will not impact the data of the timestamp, which will always reflect the real time at which the timestamp was recorded. Furthermore, a user is only authorized to record timestamps from one device at a time: whenever a new device is authorized to record timestamps, supervisors are notified and can verify that multiple people are not attempting to record timestamps from the same device.

Smart timestamping is designed in such a way as to ensure there are never any missing timestamps and to guarantee that the direction of the timestamps (clocking in vs. clocking out) is always correct. Fluida's timestamping data is reliable and complete for the entire company.

💡 If you have also enabled the Presence management feature, Fluida sends users helpful timestamping reminders at the beginning and end of the workday.

Certified and non-certified timestamps

With Smart timestamping, two types of timestamps can be recorded: certified and non-certified timestamps.

When it comes to certified timestamps, Fluida uses Bluetooth, GPS and NFC technologies in order to certify that the user who is recording the timestamp is physically present, at the exact moment they are completing the process, in a location they are allowed to work from.

  • Bluetooth technology: When they need to record a timestamp, the Bluetooth signal from the user's smartphone communicates with a Bluetooth timestamping device (the Fluida Beacon, Fluida Station or Fluida Station Pro) that can be up to 10 meters away.

  • GPS technology: When they need to record a timestamp, the user's smartphone GPS signal confirms whether they are completing the process from a company workplace or, if they are working remotely, within an area they are authorized to work from (in both cases, no timestamping devices are needed).

  • NFC technology: When they need to record a timestamp, the user confirms their presence at a company workplace by holding their NFC badge near a timestamping device (such as the Fluida Station or the Fluida Station Pro).

Non-certified timestamps do not utilize any technology that can verify a user's presence in a company workplace. To record non-certified timestamps, users simply need to specify, even at a later time, the date, time, location and direction (clocking in vs. clocking out) of the timestamp. Users can do so on either their smartphone or PC.

How to choose which timestamping method to use on-site

The Smart timestamping feature allows users to record certified timestamps using two methods: smartphones or NFC badges. However, if you do not need to record certified timestamps, you can always choose a non-certified method.

Why record timestamps with smartphones?

To record a timestamp using a smartphone, all a user must do is open the Fluida app and press a button. Seeing as how we interact with our phones quite often, forgetting about recording a timsetamp with it is almost impossible. Additionally, it is not often that we leave our smartphones behind and, as a result, we would rarely find ouserlves in a situation where we could not record a timestamp. In addition, every time an employee uses a new smartphone to record a timestamp, their supervisor receives a notification. This way, supervisors can be sure that no one is using their device to record timestamps on behalf of other users.

The Fluida Beacon, Fluida's Bluetooth timestamping device, is compact, practical, and, most importantly, inexpensive. Just find a place for it and assign it to a workplace; users will be able to start recording their timestamps straight away. And if you choose to record timestamps using GPS technology, the purchase of a timestamping device is not even necessary.

Choose to record timestamps via smartphone if:

  • You don't want to install timestamping devices that require an internet connection or complex configurations, and that must always be connected to a power source.

  • You don't want to purchase, collect, assign, and distribute physical NFC badges. You also wish to avoid having to worry about badges that might go missing, resulting in users who are unable to record certified timestamps until their badge is replaced.

  • You want to be certain that each user will only be able to record timestamps for themselves.

Why record timestamps with NFC badges?

NFC badges are a more traditional method of timestamping. Therefore, smartphones or other types of personal devices are not required. Users need only to hold their NFC badge close to the Fluida Station or the Fluida Station Pro, Fluida's two NFC timestamping devices. Since each timestamp is only recorded when an NFC badge is held right up to the timestamping machine, you have the guarantee that the timestamp will be recorded in the exact location where the timestamping machine is installed.

Choose to record timestamps via NFC badge if:

  • Some members of your staff have an older model of smartphone that doesn't support Fluida, they don't want to download the Fluida app to their personal device, or they simply prefer to record timestamps using traditional NFC badges.

Is there a middle ground?

It is not mandatory for all users withing a company to record timestamps using the same method. Depending on their needs, some users may prefer to record timestamps with NFC badges, whereas others might prefer to do so using smartphones. Other users, unlike their colleagues, may not even be required to record certified timestamps. No problem: timestamping methods can be personalized to fit the needs of each user.

Timestamping for users who work remotely

If you want to record the attendance of users who work remotely, you have two options to choose from:

  • You can have users record certified timestamps via smartphone GPS. For the certified timestamps to be accepted by Fluida, users must find themselves in authorized work areas when recording them.

  • You can have users record non-certified timestamps: since they are not required to geolocate, they can work wherever they want.

Fluida's timestamping devices

Fluida provides devices that can be used to record certified timestamps.

The Fluida Beacon

The Fluida Beacon is a compact, inexpensive and innovative solution that uses Bluetooth technology to record certified timestamps via smartphone inside a workplace. It is powered by a standard, user-replaceable CR2477 battery which will last 18 months under normal use conditions.

Why choose this device: You want all workers to record certified timestamps using their smartphones within a ten-meter radius of the timestamping device.

The Fluida Station

Bluetooth and NFC technology are combined in a single, touchscreen-equipped device that is shipped inside a wall-mounting case. The Fluida Station allows users to record timestamps either via smartphone or by using an NFC badge.

Why choose this device: You want all your workers to record timestamps using an NFC badge. Alternatively, you want some users to record timestamps with their smartphones and others to do so with NFC badges. Therefore, you require a timestamping machine that supports both timestamping methods.

💡 The Fluida Station is also available in a Pro version: in addition to recording timestamps, the Fluida Station Pro's larger screen can act as a digital noticeboard and display important information to users.

💡 If it has the required technical specifications, an Android device can be turned into a timestamping device.

Respecting user privacy when recording timestamps

Fluida never saves any data related to the location of the user who is recording a timestamp. Similarly to how end-to-end encryption works, the operations required to confirm a user's location when recording a timestamp take place locally, on the device of the user who is recording the timestamp. The actual GPS coordinates are transmitted neither to Fluida nor to any server.

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