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View, edit or delete a clocking

Learn how to edit and delete a clocking, or access its summary and detailed view

Fulvia Chesi avatar
Written by Fulvia Chesi
Updated over 6 months ago

Features involved: Clock-in clock-out

Summary and details of a clocking

Clockings are visible when accessing the detailed view of a single calendar day (if the Presence Management feature is enabled) and in the clocking reports of the person for whom they were entered.

Example of timestamping on a user's daily calendar

View a clocking summary

In the calendar, by opening the day on which the time stamp was recorded you can view its summary.

The summary shows:

  1. The clocking method that was used. If the clocking is uncertified, a filled-in dot ● will be displayed. If the timestamp was certified via Bluetooth using a Fluida Beacon, the Bluetooth symbol will be displayed. If the clocking was certified via GPS or by using a Fluida Station, the geolocation symbol ⌖ will be displayed. If the clocking was recorded using an NFC Badge, the NFC technology symbol will be displayed. The color of the symbols changes according to the "direction" of the clocking: 🟢 when clocking in or recording general attendance, 🔴 when clocking out.

  2. The direction of a clocking. You can Clock in, clock out or record general Attendance. The color of the text indicates the approval requirements. If it is gray, the clocking does not require approval. If it is orange, the forced clocking must be approved. If it is blue, the forced clocking has been approved.

  3. The time of a clocking. It is the time at which the clocking was recorded (detected, in case of certified clockings; declared, if the clocking does not require any form of validation). In the case of clockings recorded during night shifts, a crescent moon symbol ☾ is displayed next to the time of the clocking.

Example summaries of some clockings

View the details of a clocking

By clicking on the summary of a clocking, you can view its details.

The details of a clocking show:

  • Who recorded the clocking.

  • The status of the clocking, in the case of uncertified clockings. In the case of certified clockings, the method used to certify the timestamp is shown: Bluetooth, GPS or NFC.

  • The day of the week, the date, thetime, and the direction of the clocking.

  • The location where the clocking was recorded.

  • The summary of the clocking.

  • Any messages sent when the clocking was recorded (otherwise, the latest message that was sent).

  • You can open the Messages section to view the message history, which contains all the messages exchanged with the designated approver and all clocking status changes.

  • The actions you can take, such as Edit or Delete, which vary depending on who is viewing the details of the clocking.

Possible clocking statuses



Allowed actions


A clocking that does not require approval

Edit or delete

Requires approval

A clocking pending approval

Edit or delete, approve or reject


A clocking that was approved

Edit or delete


A clocking that was rejected


Deletion request

A clocking the deletion of which requires approval

Confirm deletion


A clocking that was deleted


💡 In addition to the status, the actions that can be performed also depend on who is performing them and the status of the entries for the day on which the time stamp was entered.

Edit a clocking

  1. From Home, open the calendar and click on the day of the clocking.

  2. Click on the summary of a clocking, to view its details.

  3. Select Edit.

  4. Edit the fields. If it is a certified clocking, you can only change the direction of the clocking (from clocking in to clocking out and vice versa). If, on the other hand, it is an uncertified clocking, you can edit all the data of the clocking.

  5. Select Proceed to confirm.

  6. Add any messages for the designated approver.

  7. Select Confirm.

The clocking has been edited and is now visible on the presence calendar in its updated state. The designated approver and any additional recipients are notified about this. If the clocking requires approval, you will receive a notification about the decision made by the designated approver.

Delete a clocking

  1. From Home, open the calendar and click on the day of the clocking.

  2. Click on the summary of a clocking, to view its details.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Select OK to confirm the deletion of the clocking.

The clocking has been deleted and is no longer visible on the presence calendar. The designated approver and any additional recipients receive a notification about this.

When you can edit or delete a clocking

General rules:

  • The date and time of a clocking can never be in the future.

  • Clocking with a "Cancelled" status CANNOT be edited.

When you can edit or delete your uncertified clocking

If the company allows the submission of clocking in the past

User Profile \ Time Period


A day in the past, during a month with submissions enabled

A day in the past, during a month with submissions disabled

Standard, Team Leader

Power user, Administrator

If the company does NOT allow the submission of clocking set in the past

User Profile \ Time Period


A day in the past, during a month with submissions enabled

A day in the past, during a month with submissions disabled

Standard, Team leader, Power user


When you can edit or delete uncertified clockings on behalf of other users

User Profile \ Time Period


A day in the past, during a month with submissions enabled

A day in the past, during a month with submissions disabled

Standard, Team Leader

Power user, Administrator

💡Permissions do NOT change if the company does NOT allow the submission of clockings set in the past!

When you can edit or delete certified clockings

Administrators and Power Users can always only edit a certified clocking. Those who entered it can edit or delete it, but only when submissions are enabled.

💡You can only modify the direction of certified time stamps (from clocking in to clocking out and vice versa).

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