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All calendar features

Fulvia Chesi avatar
Written by Fulvia Chesi
Updated over 3 years ago

The "Calendar" allows us to have an overview of requests made, permissions received and future schedules. In this guide, we will take a look at how to use the Calendar, distinguishing between some features that are only available for administrators and others for all users.

Personal calendar

Click on "Calendar"; in the "People" section the calendar is available in the classic format and at the bottom, under the item "Summary of the month", a statistical table.

The colors of the calendar icons help us to distinguish, for each day of the month, the events present. At the bottom of the screen, by clicking on the key, you can see the meaning of the various icons.

  • By clicking on a day of the calendar, you can see the events listed for that day.

  • By clicking on the various items of the statistical table, in the "Summary of the month" section, you can see in detail the hours of the month relating to that item. For example, by clicking on "Vacations," a summary of all the vacations requested during the month will be shown. It is possible to further filter the list of events, thanks to the buttons that appear at the top of the list (for example, to view vacations that have not yet been approved).

Business user calendar

When you access the "People" section of the "Calendar", your user account is shown by default. By clicking on your name, you can access the list of people working in the company; by selecting one of them, you can view his or her calendar.

  • Standard users, in correspondence with the days of absence of a colleague, will see the red "Generic absence" icon, without being able to view the details relating to this absence.

  • Administrators can completely disable standard users' ability to view colleagues' calendars. To do this, go to "Company" > "Settings" > "Attendance management" > "Privacy mode" and select "Enhanced." In this mode, standard users will only be able to access their own calendar.

Time Sheets

Under the "Summary of the month," the feature that allows us to export the month's time sheet is available. By clicking on "Download time sheet," you will receive an email containing the link to download the file in XLSX format.

Note: administrators can export the time sheet of all the people of the company, while standard users can only export the personal time sheet.

Team Calendar

Click on "Calendar" and select the "Team" tab.

For each person in the company, the weekly calendar is shown;

with the "Team" and "Workplaces" buttons, you can filter the groups of people you want to view.

Note: in this Calendar view mode, the same rules as explained in the "People" section apply to standard users: for example, if an administrator has activated High Privacy mode, the standard user will lose the Team Calendar view, and will only have access to his or her personal calendar.

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