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Reporting sickness

Report sickness for yourself or on another user's behalf by using justifications

Fulvia Chesi avatar
Written by Fulvia Chesi
Updated over a week ago

Add a sick leave certificate to the presence calendar

With Fluida, you can report sick leave by submitting a sick leave certificate.

To do this:

  1. On the Home, click the + / + New button.

  2. Select the justification category.

  3. Select the justification type from the drop-down menu (if the category contains more than one).

  4. Enter the start and end date, if you already know when the absence will end, along with the protocol number (optional).

  5. Once you have filled in these fields, click Proceed.

  6. If, in addition to the approver, you would like to notify other people in the company, click Add person and select the people you wish to notify. Click Add to confirm.

  7. Click Send Notification to submit the justification.

The justification has been added and is now visible on the presence calendar if it pertains to a period of time during which work is scheduled to take place. The designated approver, along with any additional recipients that were selected, will receive a notification.

💡 You can always add a justification right from the daily calendar.

To do this, select a specific day on the calendar and click the three dots in the upper right corner, next to the shift that is scheduled to take place.

💡 If you have an Administrator or Power User profile, you can submit a sick leave justification on another user’s behalf and add it to their presence calendar: after clicking "New", select the person for whom you want to enter the request from the drop-down menu.

Modify a justification that was previously submitted

If entries have not been disabled for the period concerned by the justification in question, it is possible to modify a justification that was previously submitted.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the presence calendar.

  2. Select the day to which you added the justification you wish to modify.

  3. Click on the justification to open a detailed view.

  4. Select Edit on the bottom left.

  5. Modify each field of the justification as needed.

  6. Select Proceed.

  7. If other people in the company must be notified, in addition to the designated approver, select them. Then click Send Notification.

The justification has been modified and is visible on the presence calendar. The designated approver, along with any additional recipients that were selected, will receive a notification.

💡 If you have an Administrator or Power User profile, you can modify a justification on another user’s behalf by accessing their presence calendar.

Delete a justification that was previously submitted

If entries have not been disabled for the period concerned by the justification in question, it is possible to delete a justification that was previously submitted.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the presence calendar.

  2. Select the day to which you added the justification you wish to modify.

  3. Click on the justification to open a detailed view.

  4. Select Delete on the bottom right.

  5. Select Ok to confirm.

The justification has been deleted and is no longer visible on the presence calendar. The designated approver, along with any additional recipients that were selected, will receive a notification.

💡 If you have an Administrator or Power User profile, you can delete a justification on another user’s behalf by accessing their presence calendar.

I cannot see the justification that was added to the calendar

If the notification that you submitted is not visible on the presence calendar, try closing and reopening the calendar in order to refresh it. If you still don't see the justification, it might be for one of the following reasons:

  • The sick leave certificate covers a period during which no work is scheduled to take place (e.g. you submitted a leave request for Saturday and Sunday, but you are not scheduled to work during the weekend).

  • In the case of a fixed shift, the absence is in conflict with a more recent justification.

I am unable to modify or delete a justification that was previously submitted

Only justifications marked as "Confirmed" or "Pending" can be modified or deleted. Company users with an Administrator or Power User profile are always able to modify or delete justifications marked by this status, whereas the "subject" of the justification can do so only if entries have not been disabled for the month that the justification pertains to. Finally, managers or designated approvers can only approve or reject the requests they receive: they cannot modify or delete justifications on behalf of other users.

I can't add a justification. I receive the error message "No approver”

If you can't submit a justification and receive the error message "No approver," despite the fact that a designated approver has been defined, check that your internet connection is stable and try re-submitting the justification.

When I submit, modify, or delete a justification, the application "freezes" and gets stuck on a loading screen

In case of loading problems after submitting, modifying or deleting a justification, quit and relaunch the Fluida app. Finally, make sure that the justification has been entered correctly.

A justification has been deleted but is still visible on the presence calendar

If you have deleted a justification but it does not disappear from the calendar, try reloading the page in question, exiting and re-entering the calendar, momentarily switching to another day or month, or quitting and relaunching the application.

After modifying a justification, the changes I made are not reflected in the calendar

If you have modified a justification but the changes you made are not visible on the calendar, try reloading the page in question, exiting and re-entering the calendar, momentarily switching to another day or month, or quitting and relaunching the application.

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