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Creating and editing a company weekly work schedule
Creating and editing a company weekly work schedule
Fulvia Chesi avatar
Written by Fulvia Chesi
Updated over a week ago

A weekly work schedule is composed of seven daily work shifts, one for each day of the week. Create weekly work schedules on Fluida in order to assign them to one or more people.

Create a weekly work schedule

Before getting started check that:

  • You are an Administrator or a Power User.

  • You have enabled the Presence Management feature.

  • You have created daily shifts.

To create a new weekly work schedule:

  1. Go to Company > Settings > Presence Management > Shifts and Schedules > Weekly Schedules.

  2. Click Add to create a work schedule.

  3. Give the work schedule a name. Choose a clear and self-explanatory name, one that will make it easy to recognize and select among others when assigning schedules.

  4. Use the drop-down menus to assign the previously created daily shifts to each day of the week. The Rest shift is available by default and can be assigned to days when work is not scheduled to take place. You can also click on Add new to create a new daily shift.

  5. Click on Save.

The schedule has been created and is visible in the list of company schedules. It is ready to be assigned to users.

💡When inviting a new user to Fluida, you can choose to create a new schedule instead of selecting one from the list of schedules that have already been created. To do so, click on Add new and follow the steps to create the schedule.

Edit a weekly schedule

You can modify a schedule you created in case you made a mistake while creating one, or if a user's work schedule has changed permanently.

To edit a schedule:

  1. Go to Company > Settings > Presence Management > Shifts and Schedules > Weekly Schedules.

  2. Select the schedule you want to modify.

  3. Edit the daily shifts and, should you want to, the name of the schedule.

  4. Select Save to confirm.

The schedule has been modified and is now visible in the list of weekly schedules. If the weekly schedule was assigned to any users, the changes will take effect on their attendance calendar from the day following the modification.

Delete a weekly schedule

Before you begin check that:

  • The schedule you want to delete is not assigned to anyone.

Delete a weekly schedule when it is unused and you no longer need to save it in the list of schedules.

To delete a schedule:

  1. Go to Company > Settings > Presence Management > Shifts and Schedules > Weekly Schedules.

  2. Select the schedule you wish to delete.

  3. Select Delete to delete it.

The schedule has now been deleted and is no longer visible in the list of weekly schedules.

🔎 You can only delete a schedule if it is not assigned to anyone.

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