With Fluida, you can create customized justifications and assign usage rules. Make sure you have the Attendance Management feature turned on.
Personalize the justification
To create a new type of justification, go to Company > Settings > Attendance Management > Justifications.
Click Add.
Set the following fields:
Justification name. Enter a name of your choice.
Category. Select the category of the justification (vacation, leave, sickness, etc.).
Does it require approval? If you check this, users who cannot approve their requests on their own will have to wait for the justification to be approved (read here to find out more).
Request units. Choose whether the justification can be used for requests that cover minutes and hours or only whole days.
Rounding up. If you have chosen hours/minutes as the unit, you can select the minimum justification duration.
A user must justify a 7-minute delay → the user enters a delay-type justification → the rounding up is set to 15 minutes → Fluida detects a 15-minute justified delay (if rounding up was set to 1 minute, Fluida would detect the exact delay, i.e., 7 minutes).
Applies to non-working people. Check this if you want users to be able to enter justifications even on days off, vacations, company closures, etc.
If you don't need to enter an external ID, click on Save; otherwise, read below).
External ID. If you have a justification, enter it in this field. The code may have been given to you, for example, by the payroll department.
💡 Enter code 01 if you want all the hours entered with this justification to be recognized as regular by Zucchetti (for example, you can create a remote-job-type document: with code 01, the hours will be detected as regular).
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