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Data retention

Privacy by design, GDPR, and data retention

Fulvia Chesi avatar
Written by Fulvia Chesi
Updated over a week ago

All Fluida features are designed according to the principle of privacy by design. A legal team periodically verifies that the application complies with current privacy regulations and updates tools and procedures.

Data retention is one of the most important aspects of privacy in the digital world. What do you need to know if you use Fluida?

Data retention for companies with an active subscription

Data is retained for the entire duration of the contractual relationship between the Data Controller (client company) and the Data Processor (Fluida); as long as the company has an active subscription on Fluida, all user data and configurations are stored.

Data retention for companies with an expired subscription

If a Fluida subscription is not renewed, or if a company requests their profile be deleted from the platform before their subscription expires, their data will be stored for the following 90 days. During this time, the customer may request the return of the data in standard format (PDF or CSV).
From the 91st day onward, the data will be anonymized and stored for an additional 10 years without the possibility of restoring the original data.

⚠️ If your company is required by law to retain data for more than 90 days (for example, for tax purposes), remember to export a user’s data before deleting their contract.

Data retention for active or deactivated users

Fluida retains user data for the entire duration of the contract with the client company. If the contract is active, this data is necessary for the normal functioning of the app. If the contract has been deactivated, the data is necessary in case an Administrator or Power User reactivates the contract.

Therefore, in both cases, the data is preserved as long as the company has an active Fluida subscription.

Users with an active or deactivated contract are visible to Administrators and Power users in Company > Settings > Users.

Data retention for deactivated users

If a user's contract is deleted (after being deactivated), Fluida retains their data for 90 days. From the 91st day onward, the data will be anonymized and stored for an additional 10 years without the possibility of restoring the original data.

In other words, after 90 days have passed, the data will be impossible to recover as it will have been anonymized and will therefore no longer be linked to the original user. Furthermore, sensitive information, such as an individual’s social security number, is deleted from anonymized data.

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