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How can I reply to a note?

When entering a justification, you can start a conversation with your approver via notes

Fulvia Chesi avatar
Written by Fulvia Chesi
Updated over a week ago

When one of your colleagues enters a justification, he or she has the option to add a note, using the appropriate field.

To view the notes entered by colleagues, you can access the list of required actions from the Home page and select the justification in question to view its details. Otherwise, you can access the justifications from the Calendar.

Select "Communications," at the top right, to view any notes entered by the colleague. You can respond via the chat below, or start a new conversation if the colleague has not written a note.

When a user (administrator or colleague) receives a message, a red notification will appear on his or her profile icon.

Note: by clicking on the profile icon, you can access the messages received, with the same procedure described above (by selecting "Communications," starting from the justification details screen). You can reply to the message, again via the chat.

Once the notification is displayed, regardless of whether you reply to the message or not, the justification containing the chat can be viewed in the "Calendar," where it will be possible to reread and reply to the conversation.

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